Sunday 2 November 2014


We had a lovely crewel dayschool with Nicola Hulme on Sunday 2nd November, 2014.
Most of us were beginners and Nicola gave us a very good start to learning this beautiful technique.
We were given a choice of 2 designs on Scottish linen twill.  After a short talk on choice and number of colours we were let loose on Nicola's excellent boxes of Appleton's wools.

Nicola then gave us a demonstration on Lattice work and how to stitch our lines in a sympathetic way to suit our design with plenty of guidance on how to measure with our needle and thread.  We then stitched the intersections to secure the lattice work.

There were two options to finishing the lattice shape, either a single French knot in the centre of each diamond or to fill each diamond with multiple French kmots.

1 comment:

  1. The work looks lovely. Hopefully we'll be able to see some finished pieces at a meeting
