Tuesday 31 March 2015

Get Plastered. Get Stuffed. Books by Maggie Smith

Get Plastered. Plaster, print and stitch      Get Stuffed. Shape, stuff and stitch

both by Maggie Smith

The first of these books, Get Plastered, describes the technique Maggie has developed, using plaster and paint, to add texture to her work. She sets out the information in a clear step by step way, then shows examples of hers and other peoples work using the technique. The results are effective, leaving me wishing for a spare day to have a play.

The other book, Get Stuffed, is a modern take on quilting, English, Italian and Trapunto, using mainly architectural details as inspiration. This part of the book formed the basis of a very enjoyable Day School the other week. I expect some of you will have seen the samples produced at a Saturday meeting. The second half of this book demonstrates some of the thought processes and experiments Maggie worked through to produce her range of dolls. It has a section on producing 3D vessels and sculptures. She also suggests different ways to colour and treat the samples produced, going back to some of the techniques in her first book.

As she says, the first book was about creating surface texture, the second one is about using pattern and shape to create raised surfaces and 3D elements on fabric.

I've finished the Get Stuffed sample, just need to get going on the Get Plastered one!

Monday 30 March 2015

Monday Workshop

The workshop Monday 13th April is going to be an unstructured one. We will be passing on the Travelling Books and making up some Pound Bags for the NE Regional Day in May. If you have any bits and pieces, threads and/or fabrics,buttons, beads, etc that you no longer want bring them along. We could add to them from the donated threads in our cupboards and make up inspirational type bags to sell on the day. If none of this appeals then bring along some of your own work to keep your fingers busy while we chat.

At the following workshop, Monday 11th May, Barbara Schorah is going to start us on a small Hardanger sample. More details nearer the time.