There were 6 members in each group and a list of who to pass it to next.
Each month the members involved made a new piece of work, fastened it into the current book and at the next meeting passed it on to the next member on the list.
At each meeting there were lots of ohhhs and ahhhhs as the latest pieces were admired by everyone.
The photos are from one members book, Gillian Garrod, one of our newer members and the name of the person who made it.
The first piece in the book is one put in by the owner of the travelling book, in this case Gillian Garrod. Her inspiration was an Autumn walk.
This is Lynda Jamieson's version of using Shisha.
Traditionally used in Indian embroidery, the mirror catches the light.
Diane Jones put recycling and "waste not, want not" to good use for her piece. A small piece of painted canvas, inherited canvas wools, and ribbon from the shoulders of a garment used to keep the top on the hanger.
This was done by Linda Danby on holiday
in Crete.
Blues and greens were used as they remind
her of holidays in the sun.
I've found the Travelling Books fun to make and exciting to see everybody else's pieces