Wednesday, 31 December 2014

Monday Workshop - Stitch Sampler

Our Monday Workshop in January is going to be a Stitch Sampler.  You will be taking a single stitch and working with it in different ways and in different threads.

A supply list will be available at the meeting on Saturday 3rd January 2015 and online shorty after.

In the meantime if you are interested The Constance Howard book of Embroidory Stitches is worth looking out for. 

More about Constance Howard can be found here....

Contemporary Applique By Julia Triston and Rachel Lombard

Contemporary Applique: Cutting Edge Design and Techniques in Textile Art 

I think the outstanding feature of this book is the photography. There is a photograph on virtually every page, all to inspire. The book covers all aspects of applique from ancient times to the present day. It talks about cultural aspects of the technique and  traditional methods. There are suggestions to help with design and ideas for projects. It is not a project book but has a 'how-to' chapter describing materials and equipment, transferring designs, and applique by hand and machine. The last chapter is 'From tradition to innovation' and includes sections like 'Pushing the boundaries' and 'Breaking the rules'! There is a photograph of a saddlecloth made in the 5th-4th century BC and photographs of work made in 2013. The authors have definitely covered a lot of ground

Wednesday, 17 December 2014

Digital Magazine / 03

As we are now in December, I thought a didital magazine that 'celebrates the crafty life' might be of interest. For those of you who made 'Wrapped Temari' with Jean in November take a look at the wreath made of balls of wool on pages 110 - 115,  I'm thinking of a wreath made of temari balls....:)  What do you think...?  Will it work...?

Happy reading...

Please do leave a comment below, with a page number, if you see something that may interest others....

Wednesday, 10 December 2014

Still life photos...

Have you ever wondered how those lovely still life photos that you see in magazines, books and online are taken...? Here's a short video showing you how... hope you enjoy it...

Kim Klassen shoots still life from xanthe berkeley on Vimeo.